Video Breakdowns
It was a cold day in Connecticut, and we decided to do some run-and-gun filming. The plot happened afterwards. Fun day though! I got to do some facial distortion and mess with sound design and music a good deal. Thanks to Will and Joe for the assist!
Recently, I picked up a cool prop for the Assassin's Creed 3, the Hidden Blade. Knowing that I had to film something with the awesome, prop, I threw together a short script and some effects.
I'm a huge Kingdom Hearts fan, and I was itching to produce Keyblade Safety for a long time. With the help of my friend Joe, and a tutorial by Wren Weichman, I was able to pull it off.
I had two goals in mind when I made Sniper. The first goal was to get my head around using Adobe Premiere, instead of Final Cut Pro 7. The second was to practice creating rising tension. The project was filmed and edited in two hours.
This After Effects 3D Camera Tracker Test was a quick project I filmed when I got After Effects CS6. I was messing around with the new 3D Camera Tracker test with both text generated in AE and 2D stock footage from Action Essentials 2 by Video Copilot.
I'm a huge Doctor Who fan, and when my younger brother was in town, it was a perfect opportunity to do a Timelord Regeneration visual effect that is unique to the series. Filming took a little less than an hour, and post processing took about 2 hours.
A while back, my buddy Joe and I went out to film. We didn't have a clue what we were going to film, but we had to get out of the house and it was a decent enough day. We took a short drive to a park, threw some ideas back and forth and decided to go with blowing up the moon.